Thursday, December 27, 2012

Morton Family Prayer- 1997


As we all gather here together again this Christmas, we must thank you for carefully watching over us and keeping everyone out of harms way.  Your strong and guiding hands kept us all blessed over the past year.  We come here to Nana and Pop Pop’s not only to celebrate each other and family ties, but to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior.  And while the birth of your son was monumental to the heavens and earth, I can’t help but share some correlation to my own son’s birth earlier this year.  Over the last decade or so, I have witnessed my sisters and cousins give birth to many beautiful boys and girls.  And each family member attempted to express the overwhelming sense of joy and love experienced by the birth of a child.  But until I experienced this absolute miracle first-hand, there’s no way any words could have ever expressed such feelings.  It’s so obvious that God’s hand is at work as your own child is brought into the world.  As I look around the room at all the young faces, and even the not-so-young faces, I realize that each person is a miracle created by your own hand and in your own image.  Each of us are an event to be celebrated throughout our whole lives.  This journey you send us on is to be witness to each of these miracles and then to celebrate those individuals forever.  That makes our gathering here powerful, for we are indeed rejoicing in the love we have for each other.  Your hand has great influence in our Morton Family Christmas, as it does in all things.


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